A Great Day in Watts
On September 18th, 2020 the skateboarding community came together with the Watts Community Core non-profit organization to spread the gospel of stoke to the kids of the Nickerson Gardens housing project in Watts, California.
100 Baker & Santa Cruz Skateboards were given out along with 100 Vans Skate Shoes, Pro Tec helmets and Boom! comic books.
This 32-page full color zine photographed by Atiba Jefferson and Andrew Peters, with an intro by Chris Nieratko, captures the good vibes of that special afternoon.
All proceeds of the sale of this book will go towards buying a Christmas gift for each of the 100 kids that attended the first Super Skate Posse event in September.
The ask is for a minimum donation of $20 for each signed and numbered edition of 300.
If you can afford to donate more, please do. Each dollar goes directly towards the gift giving event on December 18th.
100 copies will be held and given towards all the kids of Nickerson with their gift so they can always remember their first skateboard.
Thank you for all your love and support.